Let’s take a look at 10 facts that you might not know about Israeli women. Israeli women are really beautiful with amazing beautiful physical features. They place a lot of importance on culture and make sure to pass it on to the next generation. They have a high literacy rate and place lot of importance on completing their education. They have a good life expectancy and often live up to 80 years or longer. Israeli women rarely use makeup to enhance their looks. They prefer their natural beauty. Women in Israel form a good percentage of the workforce. They get importance just as men do in the workplace. They do not physically beat their children and rather prefer that they understand their mistakes. Most Israeli women work and raise their children to be independent by placing them in day care. The average Israeli woman gets married quite young around the age of 25 years. Finally, in Israel, conscription is compulsory for men and women alike. Every Israeli girl has to train for the armed forces once she turns 18 years.
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