
How Much Money You Should Have in Your Emergency Fund!

How Much Money You Should Have in Your Emergency Fund! We all know we should have an emergency fund yet many of us don't have one. Why? If your like most of us you're likely thinking, I'll get around to it when I get a raise, when I pay off some debt, etc... Let's get real about how much money you should have in your emergency fund!

A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Let's take the first step to building your emergency fund together, right now!

In practice, I share with my client's to simply #JTAB = Just Take a Breath it'll be alright as we move forward together. Remember, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. What's the best way to replace FEAR? With knowledge and you're doing that right now. Kudos!

What you'll learn:
1. Tips for saving for emergency fund!
2. The emergency fund amount you should aim for in your current situation!
3. Answers to: how much money should my emergency fund be and how much should I save for my emergency fund!

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Join us live every Wednesday at 11am PST. See you soon!

NOTE: To adjust video speed for your listening/ viewing pleasure, please use the settings icon on the bottom right of your screen. It looks like a gear. =)

1. 0:42 - Why having an emergency fund is important! True personal story.

2. 1:32 - Consider the age of your home! Knowing how long things should last in your home will help you prioritize a budget for both your home and your personal finances. PRO TIP: Having an emergency fund for both your house and your personal finances is key! Keep the money in 2 separate accounts (a pair of hi yield savings accounts, CD's, or money market funds that can be liquidated when needed is a good idea)

3. 2:29 - What DIY projects can you tackle yourself with your home maintenance?

4. 3:21 - How's the weather out there? Consider the role your local climate plays and the toll it takes on your house!

5. 4:02- Yep, it's time for another true story that happened to me personally and reiterates the absolute necessity of maintaining an emergency fund!

6. 5:26 - Breaking down replacement costs for major components of a house and the average expected life of each system!

Want to know more about buying a house in Las Vegas or Las Vegas real estate? Send me a message. I'm happy to help.

Thank you for watching! =)

Enjoy an amazing day!
-Your Trusted Real Estate Advisor, Andrew Finney

Contact info:
Andrew Finney
USMC Combat Veteran/ Trusted Real Estate Advisor
License #S.0173260

Call/ Text: 702-710-0287

King Realty Group
6955 N. Durango Dr. Suite 1004
Las Vegas, NV 89149

Certified Residential Specialist (CRS)
Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR)
Sellers Representative Specialist (SRS)

Military Relocation Professional (MRP)

Disclaimers/ Credits:
At the time of production, Andrew Finney, S.0173260, is a real estate salesperson with King Realty Group in Las Vegas, NV.

Andrew's videos are his own and do not necessarily represent the views and/ or opinions of KRG.

The purpose of Andrew's videos are to educate you and help you make sense of the real estate process. If you have questions about home loans, real estate, taxes, financial advice, real estate law, insurance, or any other services where you live, you are advised to reach out to the appropriate professional for further counsel about your own unique situation.

Video Inspiration:

Awesome Music Courtesy of:
Song: Syn Cole - Feel Good [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyRightSounds.
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