Scientists and scholars are known to invent stuff but there are a lot of things that have been discovered, which means that these mechanisms were already present. The scholars came to know about them and then explained it to the people. So, let’s talk about one such discovery that had the most visible impact on human society and resulted into many inventions. Yes.. we are talking about the discovery of Electricity.
It's been said that the electric fish that was found in the river Nile in ancient Egypt around 2750 BCE, is the first time anyone felt an electric current or shock. Later the Arabs found about the electric rays. However, the credit to explain this phenomenon in the right way goes to William Gilbert ko. In the 17th century, English scientist William Gilbert established the science behind electricity and magnetism. Later, another Englishman, Sir Thomas Browne, made further investigations and you would be amazed to know that Gilbert and Browne are credited with being the first scientists to use the term electricity.
Otto von Guericke, Robert Boyle, Stephen Gray, and C. F. du Fay are some of the names who later worked on this concept but it is the name of Benjamin Franklin, who is said to the discoverer of electricity. Apart from the theory of positive & negative elements, he also proved that lightning is also a form of electricity. In 1752, Franklin conducted his famous kite experiment. He flew a kite during a thunderstorm & tied a metal key to the kite string to conduct the electricity. His theory proved right when the electric current from the storm clouds transferred to the kite and electricity flowed down the string and gave him a shock.
Well, according to one of the theories, A 2000-year-old clay pot was found in the archeological diggings in Iran, which had copper plates, tin alloy & iron rod in it, which proves that ancient people may have experimented with electricity way before any of the above scientists could. Marvelous isn’t it?
So that was the story behind the discovery of electricity. Know more such stories of science marvels only on Hungama Kids. Do like and share this video and subscribe to our channel.
Narrator - Prachi Chaube
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