
Raat ko sonay se pehlay ye kaam zaroor karain! | Be sure to do this before Sleeping at Night!

Raat ko sonay se pehlay ye kaam zaroor karain! |  Be sure to do this before Sleeping at Night! In this Clip, Maulana Abdus Sattar Sahab is telling about what should we do before sleeping at night .

About Maulana Abdus Sattar:
Hazrat Maulana Abdus Sattar (DB) is the Imam and Khateeb of Baitussalam masjid situated in DHA Phase IV, Karachi. It is under this blessed shade that the diverse and extensive e efforts of Baitusslam are coordinated and executed. As the Syrian Crisis took place, Baitussalam organization is helping the refugees back to back. An agreement between BWT and AFAD was inked for the establishment of Two bakeries that would produce 300,000 breads daily to cater for the needs of the refugees.

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Zaitoon.Tv is an Online Tv Channel from where you can Watch and Listen Hamd-O-Naat, Bayanat, Telefilms, Cartoons and Audios. brings you the most renowned Scholars like Molana Tariq Jameel, Molana Abdus Sattar, Mufti Taqi Usmani, Mufti Rafi Usmani & Mufti Abdur Rauf Sukharvi for Bayanaat, debates, exceptional religious guides, highly informative translations and explanation of the Holy Quran and Hadith, the best Hamd/Naat Khuwans and Live transmissions.

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#Raat #Sonay #Sleeping #MaulanaAbdusSattar #ZaitoonTv

zaitoon tv,sound master int,islamic videos,islamic bayanat,hamd o naat,raat ko sonay se pehlay,ye kaam zaroor karain,sleeping at night,before,maulana abdus sattar,bayan,baitussalam,kaam,

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