
3 Marker Challenge in Pool! 💦(Missing Game Master Hacker Found in Backyard)

3 Marker Challenge in Pool! 💦(Missing Game Master Hacker Found in Backyard) Rebecca Zamolo played the 3 Marker Challenge in a pool with giant floaties and found the missing hacker spying on us in the backyard.
▶ 👕New ZamFam Merch is here!

After Rebecca Zamolo spent 24 Hours Overnight inside a GiANT BUBBLE house! (Matt hypnotized at 3am not from Game Master) and Matt and Rebecca uploaded HACKER is Missing in Real Life! (Hidden Camera Reveals the TRUE identity of Gamemaster), they met up with the real GameMaster for the First Game Master Network Meeting in Real Life! They were given a mission of distracting the quadrant in a Sis Vs. Bro like competition with 3 markers. This is the first time we have ever done this in a pool. Using our spy ninja skills we were able to hide a secret message on each photo. The first round we colored the new gamemaster mask then moved over to a spy drone that Matt and Rebecca drew. Next Rebecca made a lock with keys and Matt constructed a buried safe. Can you guess what the hidden word is and share it with the game master network to save youtube? Thank you for watching my PG entertainment family friendly comedy videos for kids in 2019!

#gamemaster #the24hourchallenge #challenge

Watch my friends and other awesome videos!

The First Game Master Network Meeting in Real Life!


Chad Wild Clay | HACKER GIRL UNMASK HIDE & SEEK CHALLENGE - PZ4 Will Do a Face Reveal if We Win Her Game

Lucas and Marcus | Anything My Girlfriend can carry I’ll buy challenge

Morgz | I Lived like a Billionaire for 24 Hours – Challenge

The Labrant Fam | Saying Goodbye to our house forever… We’re officially Moved in!

Find Rebecca Zamolo on Social Media!


Check out my challenge playlists here:
3 Marker Challenge:

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