
Alan Watt (Nov 29, 2015) No Say in the Decision of Reality in Transition

Alan Watt (Nov 29, 2015) No Say in the Decision of Reality in Transition This was the only Alan Watt blurb i missed uploading here (since 4/20/14) due to a bogus channel strike that was lifted after appeal.
Alan Watt Website

Nov. 29, 2015
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt
(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)
"No Say in the Decision of Reality in Transition"
© Alan Watt Nov. 29, 2015
Trans-Pacific Partnership - COP21 Agenda - Sustainability - Transition - George Orwell - Gradual Implementation - War Strategy - Institutionalized Language - Michael Froman - Sherpas - Trilateral Commission - Security and Energy, International Economy - Department of Defense Climate Change Report - Terrorism and Climate Change - External Threat to Give Up Rights - 1974 CIA Global Cooling Report - Socialism, Fascism - Submerge Individualism to Collective - Perfectly Indoctrinated - Achieving Sanity.
*Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 29, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)


Topics of show covered in following links:

Froman back on TPP tour after China talks

Trilateral Commission

Program on Energy Security and Climate Change

The Trilateral - Program of the 2015 Annual Meeting

Energy Security and Climate Change

Don’t drive, you encourage terrorists

Why Climate Change and Terrorism Are Connected

DOD 2014 - Climate Change - Adaptation Roadmap

Flashback 1974: CIA Warned GLOBAL COOLING Would Cause Terrorism

A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems


Alan's Mirror Website

Backup Websites (Bookmark in case of a takedown):




Multilingual Site w/Transcripts

OR Sentient Sentinel (English) Site


The backup channel for debess is found only on BitChute. This is the 'go to' channel in the event of a YouTube channel takedown or a strike.


Help Alan keep the websites up and his weekly talks going by donating or ordering his books and discs - Ways to Support Alan's Work are found @

#AlanWatt #COP21 #ScientificSocialism

Alan Watt,

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