
Earn 10% annual interest with PLC Secure Box — an innovative alternative to mining from PLATINCOIN

Earn 10% annual interest with PLC Secure Box — an innovative alternative to mining from PLATINCOIN Earn 10% annual interest with PLC Secure Box — an innovative alternative to mining from the engineers at PLATINCOIN

PLC Secure Box is a device that enables its owner to earn up to 10% annual interest from the coins on their account in the PLATINCOIN cryptocurrency.

PLC is traded on several major exchanges. In mid-January, it became a part of the top 200 major cryptocurrencies according to CoinMarketCap.

With PLC Secure Box, you can forget about painstaking cryptocurrency mining methods: this unique device - that is just the size of a smartphone - consumes much less electricity than mining farms and ASIC. You don’t need any specialized knowledge to get cryptocurrency using the box: Secure Box conducts all transactions on its own, without the user’s participation. The minting process involves the node and the virtual machine. You can check out our blog for more information about the components and working principles of PLC Secure Box —

PLC Secure Box has successfully passed all tests, and the first devices are already minting coins for their owners. The device currently has no counterparts on the market.

In this video, you will see how these innovative devices are made.


Musicbed SyncID:


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