

GAIA DAILY - May 27-30 - WHERE ARE WE GOING? Mercury is at home in Gemini, coming up to a square with Neptune in Pisces. We are still trying to get a handle on what this year has been about. Mercury wants to understand, but hasn't been able to make sense of anything since it's last retrograde in Pisces. We are revisiting this confusion and loss of direction. But Neptune in trine to the North Node in Cancer says may be we should use this special time to imagine something new.

We get so used to our old patterns, sometimes life has to give us a wake up call, in order to show us how we keep going down the same road. Mercury continues on to oppose Jupiter in Sagittarius, making a Mutable T-Square. As if we weren't lost enough! We are feeling tension around our current conceptual reality, our dreams, and our destiny. Where we are headed, doesn't seem to be where we thought we were going.

We are trying to build something new, but the stubborn patterns and structures we are used to, are getting in the way. But for the next month or so, we will be feeling Saturn in Sextile with Neptune. There are creative solutions available that can allow our dreams to exist right along side our everyday life.

It's time for a magical overhaul of all of the structures of our life. Can we allow the new programs of permission for abundance, to plug into the tiny spaces we have somehow managed to carve out in our life? Can we step aside and let magic reign?

astrology,astrologer,spirituality,ascension,awakening,great awakening,forecast,gemini,mercury,

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