
Safe Weapon Storage in the Home | Gun Safety | Tactical Rifleman

Safe Weapon Storage in the Home | Gun Safety | Tactical Rifleman This is gonna be short and sweet… This week, I’m not giving you a cool shooting drill. This week, I’m not showing you a cool new piece of gear. Instead, I’m going to give you something MUCH harder to do.
I want you to challenge yourself, to ensure your family knows firearm safety. That’s it. Now, that sounds easy. However, convincing the spouse (that doesn’t like guns) or convincing the teenager that “knows” that they already know MORE than their parents, that they need to learn gun safety is easier said than done. Make them learn it. Teach them to respect firearms, rather than fearing them.
Once they know gun safety and respect firearms; show them your guns. Make sure they know where they are. At a minimum, even a spouse that doesn’t want to shoot, everyone needs to be able to safely unload & show clear every firearm in the house.
Gun Vaults are great. Hiding guns will make it harder for thieves to find. However, if you are relying on hidden vaults to keep your kids safe, you are selling your family short. Remember all those hidden “Christmas” gifts? Yep, you found them when you were a kid, and your kids will find all the hidden stuff too. Hide the key, or hide the piece of paper with the passcode. Either way, the kids will find it.
The only way to prevent them from finding hidden guns is to never let them be lost. Show your family your guns. Dispel the fear. That starts with ensuring your family knows firearm safety.
Enjoy the video. Special “Thanks” to all our Patrons on Patreon, for helping us build these walls, facades, and purchase all these training aids. Without our Patreon Patrons, well, this channel would be a lot more boring.
Strength & Honor, TR.

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