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İndirimli Kitap Seti:
3- How is the Relationship between the Theory of Evolution and Belief in God?
One common mistake regarding the relationship between the theory of evolution and belief in God is identifying all evolutionists with atheism and its rejecters with theism. Many theist scientists, philosophers and theologians believe in evolution. For example Harvard botanist Asa Gray (one of the introducers of the theory of evolution to America); a founding father of modern theory of evolution Theodosius Dobzhansky; long-time head of the Human Genome Project Francis Collins; and prominent paleontologist Simon Conway Morris are just a few prominent scientists who have found no conflict between the theory of evolution and their faith in God. Famous philosopher of science and biology Michael Ruse, an atheist, stated that there is nothing inconsistent about believing in God and evolution at the same time. It is a mistake to relate the theory of evolution to atheism and the rejection of this theory to theism.
1. Believers in the theory of evolution - Agnostics
2. Believers in the theory of evolution - Atheists
3. Believers in the theory of evolution - Theists
1. Rejecters of the theory of evolution - Agnostics
2. Rejecters of the theory of evolution - Atheists
3. Rejecters of the theory of evolution - Theists
1. Agnostics about the theory of evolution - Agnostics
2. Agnostics about the theory of evolution - Atheists
3. Agnostics about the theory of evolution - Theists
What are the causal relations between people's faiths and their approaches to evolution? I can summarize such causal relations as follows:
1. One’s approach to evolution is the cause, one’s stance against belief in God is the effect.
2. One’s approach to evolution is the effect, one’s stance against belief in God is the cause.
3. No causal relationship exists between one’s approach to evolution and one’s belief in God.
The theory of evolution remains the most debated subject by far of science-religion issues among Muslims (the same situation is also true among Christians and Jews).