
We are here to help educate you and Edify You Right Knowledge is your Remedy 501-C3 Lost Souls

We are here to help educate you and Edify You Right Knowledge is your Remedy 501-C3 Lost Souls Did you know if your church is a 501c3 church, this means your church places the government OVER Yahawah!

Yahawashi Christ is king. If we allow and Lord of all realm’s, church, state and family. If we allow the state to put Christ under its authority, we cannot be obedient to him. We ought not unquestioningly serve civil authorities when they are unfaithful to the supreme lawgiver 501-C3 Israelite Camps and Churches cant be for God and The Devil also. Wake up are you too blind to see the truth?

347-618-1783 tazadaqshah@yahoo.comThe decision to join a church/ congregation is a very important one. We respect the importance of that decision and want to be helpful in every way. We would be excited to welcome you into our fellowship as a member. We trust that Yah’s (God’s) Spirit will guide you to relate to our church which is right for you at this time. The time is growing short family.
Several times each year we have Journey classes that helps us to reflect on our personal journey with Christ (HaMashiyach Yahawashi), understand our vision and mission, how we can use our time, talents, and treasure for the Lord. We also share about our core values and the core values and ministry of the True Disciples of Christ TDOC Church around the world. Each class has 3 goals, to be inspirational and informative and instructional. Everyone is welcome to attend the class just to gather information.
Full Membership is for those who have been baptized through the spirit Ephesians 5: 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. The Word is Christ, the God of this world Yahawashi. John 1: John.1 1 In the beginning was the Word ( Christ), and the Word was with God ( Yahawah), and the Word was God ( Christ the God of this world). 2 The same was in the beginning with God (Yahawah). You must have made confession of faith in Christ and wish to unite fully with this congregation. You may become a full member by confession of faith, restoration of membership, or transfer of membership. Full membership enables you to participate fully in our church and qualifies you for any office held by a lay person in our local congregation.

You may join by Confession of Faith. Confession of Faith is acceptance of Hamashiyach Yahawashi that the world ignorantly refers to as Jesus Christ, you must accept him as Lord and Savior and the acknowledgment of your faith before members of this congregation. If you have never been anointed True Disciples of Christ Kahan (priest) anoint persons by sprinkling oil.
You may join by Restoration of membership. Restoration of membership occurs when your membership in this or another church (within any denomination) has lapsed, been lost, or terminated. In order to have your membership restored, you must make a re-commitment of your life to Christ and his Church.
You may join by Transfer of membership. Transfer of Membership is moving your official church membership from another congregation to our church. We accept transfers of membership from all So-called Christian Or Israelite denominations, even Muslims In order to transfer your membership to our church, we need the name and address of the church from which your membership will be transferred.
Our Priest (kahan) is also available for personal conferences with you if you have questions or wish to discuss church membership. If you join as a full member of our church, we will ask you to affirm your faith and your commitment to support the True Disciples of Christ by your prayers, presence, gifts, and service.
You are invited to talk to our priest or leadership if you have any questions about church membership.
Join our assembly

The phrase those who dwell upon the earth takes on a soteriological which means Soteriology in Greek: σωτηρία sōtēria "salvation" from σωτήρ sōtēr "savior, preserver" and λόγος logos "study" or "word") is the study of religious doctrines of salvation. Where as eschatological relating to death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind. Will you be part of the 2/3 that take God laws as a joke and miss salvation for this world and deem “ those that dwell on the earth? Watch this message to find out47-618-1783

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