These brats were SO over-the-top good!
I know I'll be making this recipe over and over.
And just in time for summer BBQ season too.
These would be great to take to a picnic or a summer pitch-in.
And can you believe I had never made the Pioneer Woman recipe for Sloppy Joe's?!
If you haven't, I highly suggest you add them to the meal plan!
They were better than I even thought they would be!
Course, what's a week of dinner without some Mexican?
Nachos are life, am I right?! ;)
We also had BLT'S and Trader Joe's tomato soup, which is amazing.
And a Digiorno's pizza and salad rounded out the week.
Gotta keep a frozen pizza handy for occasions just like this.
And how fun is this ...
I'm taking part in an open collab hosted by:
Jennifer at Cook, Clean, & Repeat
And Mandy at Mandy in the Making
Mandy's Channel
Both their channels always have great dinner videos plus lots of other fun content!
Go check them out & watch a whole host of what's for dinner videos as part of this collaboration!!
Here's the whole playlist of the channels who participated!
Hope you found some dinner inspiration by watching my video.
And if you haven't subscribed, I'd sure love to have you as a part of my youtube community!
Here's a link to all my What's For Dinner videos in case you need more food fun!