
Capricorn Who's Coming In June 4 Weeks 2019 Be Mindful Of Your Words

Capricorn Who's Coming In June 4 Weeks 2019 Be Mindful Of Your Words Thank you so much for the love & support you give me, I do appreciate it and all the time to watch my videos thank you.

Tarot Mermaid tarot leeza Robertson
Oracle Card Deck Astrological oracle cards lo scarabeo,
Flower Therapy by Robert Reeves , Doreen Virtue

Days Im not available Monday, Tuesday, Saturday
Moon Rituals Open Book Now! New Moon Gemini 3rd June- Full Moon Sagittarius 17 Th June 2019 Success In One Area

Emergency Reading!! 24 Hours Response (Available)

Special On ! Half Year 2019 Readings Available Month You Purchase to December 2019 Channel Events For Every Month. £50.00 50 mins

My Prices on my video reading services please click on my website link and go to services. Important Spirit Guidance Life Area's 3 Months New Service On Now

Spirit Important Guidance Life Area's 3 Months £ 38.00 37 mins Career & Finances , Love Life, Health & Wellbeing , The Block To Over Come, Over All Message For The Month.
3 Questions £20.00 17 min
5 Questions £30.00 30 mins

Twin Flame & Soul Mate Guidance lessons learning £40.00

Healing Karma In Love what is blocking Price £40.00 40 mins

New love Singles Looking £40.00 40 mins

Spirit Guides , Angels Who Is Your Guide Messages they share. £47.00 48 mins

Past Life Guidance Lessons who was you in your past life £40.00 40 mins

Tarot Guidance Readings
One Month events taking place £40.00 35 mins

Reiki Healing Services
Reiki Remote £40.00
Reiki Karma Healing Full Moon Ritual £45.00

Reiki Offers Packages
Love & Relationships Guidance, Reiki Healing & Past Life Reading

Who Is Your Spirit Guides Angels Reading, Reiki Healing £80.00 60 mins

New Service Planetary Houses Tarot Guidance changes which will happen and events to know. £20.00 20 mins

Contact me after payment and send your information to my email address




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