
Rescue the dog in danger under the bulldozer...Rain and cold vibrate the heart

Rescue the dog in danger under the bulldozer...Rain and cold vibrate the heart Rescue the dog in danger under the bulldozer...Rain and cold vibrate the heart

Can you see it? A puppy gets lost in the bulldozer yard. A huge bulldozer. A puppy is wandering under the car. It's dangerous if the car delivers the wheel. The dog is so small compared to the bulldozer. I discovered the dog but I couldn't help it. I contacted my friend and he was coming.

He is in the animal rescue team and also has a lot of dogs. I recorded these images as memories and when I will update the dogs' current updates. Did you hear the dog's cries for help? Pitiful. He has already arrived. It was raining so he wore a raincoat. See this: It's raining. You see, so the dog is very cold.

Look at this. This is a very pitiful image of Uncle Dog, maybe I and you can't forget this image. We review the pitiful images of the puppy. Perhaps the puppy is watery and rainy, so the fur is wet.

Thank you for watching the video! Do you think the puppy is lovely? I really love it. The dog after being warmed has completely recovered and is healthy. Thanks so many millions of hearts.

# rescue dog

Rescue the dog in danger under the bulldozer...Rain and cold vibrate the heart,Rescue the dog in danger under the bulldozer,Rain and cold vibrate the heart,Rescue the dog,under the bulldozer,bulldozer,A puppy gets lost in the bulldozer yard,huge bulldozer,puppy,dog is very cold,pitiful image of Uncle Dog,rescue dog,rescue animals,Poor dog,Lovely dog,cute puppy,Fear and happiness,# rescue the puppy,millions of hearts,

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