
Sheikh Cubbeli Ahmet - Doomsday indeed will occur

Sheikh Cubbeli Ahmet - Doomsday indeed will occur He was born on February 27, 1965, in Fatih, Istanbul, as the son of a wealthy family who are originally from Goreleli, Giresun.

He had a great interest in robes at his childhood and in order to be distinguished from his friend who had the same name, he started being called as Cubbeli Ahmet (Ahmet with robe) since then. He started his education at the ages of 3-4. He was specially educated by Mahmut Ustaosmanoglu (kusside sirruhu) who is from Naqshbandi Sect and continued his madrasa education until the age of 11 at Ismailaga Mosque in Carsamba, Fatih.

At the age of 12, after the sermons he gave in mosques like Yavuz Selim and Kasımpasa Mosque he started to be watched by large crowds. Again at the same age, he took courses such as Sarf, Nahv, Kelam, Meani, Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh from Resul Bolukbasi in Pazar district of Rize. Normally it would take years to study those books but he finished them at a period of 20 months and he took his teaching diploma at a ceremony where there were ten of thousands.

The first time he went to pilgrimage in 1983 he was 17. After his return from pigrimage, Ahmet Hodja Efendi completed his recitation of Quran in six months. On the other hand, he continued to educate many in his lecture groups at Ismailaga Mosque which took around 10 years. He also managed to reach hundreds of thousands people through the conversations he gave not only in Turkey but also in different parts of the world.

Hodjaefendi has so far published 80 worthy works with the name of Resail-i Ahmadiyye. Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü Hoca Efendi also writes articles for Lalegül Journal. Every thursday evening, he has conversations both at Lalegul TV and Lalegul FM and evaluates the current issues within the framework of the Ahl al-Sunnah belief. Cubbeli Ahmet Hodja Efendi, who is followed by all around the world, actively shares his conversations and works from his social media accounts.

The publishing works with subtitles of Cubbeli Ahmet Hodja Efendi’s conversations in Arabic and English are still in progress.

CAH International,CAH English,Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca,Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Çeviri,Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca İngilizce,islam,hadith,quran,verse,prophet muhammad,lecture,Doomsday indeed will occur,Doomsday,cah international,doomsday,sheikh cubbeli ahmet,cubbeli ahmad,

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