Amazon Sellers' Breaking News: Amazon Associate Accounts, Private Label Brand Protection, ASIN Creation Policy Violations, Amazon Account Suspensions, VORYS "Quality Control" Threatening Letters
If you're an Amazon seller and are having issues with a suspended account/ASIN, call us 1-877-9-SELLER.
#1: Amazon Associate Accounts
We are seeing an increase in Amazon Associate Accounts being closed down. If they owe you enough money that is financially worthwhile, you can take Amazon to arbitration. If you open an Amazon Associate Account or you have had one for a while and have received this email: "we have previously closed an account that we have determined belongs to a person affiliated with you, or acting in concert with you for violations of the Associates Program Operating Agreement", and Amazon still owes you money, we have can help.
#2: Private Label Brand Protection
You can use the same tools that the big brands use to develop, police, and protect your private label brand as a seller. As a firm, we are remarkably successful at protecting brands.
#3: ASIN Creation Policy Violations
There has been an increase in ASIN creation policy violations. If you're creating a detailed page, it is important to be very careful. If you need someone to review these policies with you, we can help.
#4: Amazon Account Suspensions
If your account has been suspended, we are seeing a significant increase in our ability as a firm to get the money released, pending the suspension.
#5: VORYS Threatening Letters "Quality Controls"
If you're involved in retail arbitrage, chances are, you have or will receive a very threatening letter from the VORYS law firm. What we have seen is that a vast majority of the claims are entirely baseless.
If you have been subjected to a big brand making a baseless counterfeit complaint against you, you have leverage over that brand because you may have two significant causes of action against that brand - Defamation Per Say and Tortious Interference with Contract. If a brand sends in a baseless counterfeit complaint against you, you have rights against that brand.
Call us to see whether or not it's worthwhile to go after a brand for damages 1-877-9-SELLER.
Rosenbaum Famularo, PC:
Amazon Sellers Lawyer:
Helping Online Sellers Worldwide
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ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.
CONTACT US: everything you say, all information you disclose, any business practices you discuss, are 100% confidential by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege.
Email: CJ@AmazonSellersLawyer.com
Phone: 1-877-9-Seller
100 W. Park Ave. Long Beach, NY 11561