To give some background insight and give you a better understanding to why I desired a healing birth, See my Birth Story Video first. With prolonged rupture of membranes, fetal distress and a cascade of intervention, it was traumatic medicalised and everything I'd tried to avoid. When I became pregnant with this time, I was so nervous and scared to give birth again so I looked into my options and found Hypnobirthing Australia. Garth and I took a course in our home in the lead up to the birt (see link below). This birth with was in complete contrast to the first- I felt safe, empowered, strong and in control and was able to achieve the calm welcome for Arlo that we'd dreamed of.
Hypnobirth Discount Code: HANNAH10 Hypnobirthing Australia and Hypnobubs Course
Labour and birth filmed and edited by @the_birth_day
positive,birth story,hypnobirth,hypnobirthing,waterbirth,birth centre,unmedicated,physiological third stage,skin to skin,delayed cord clamping,calm birth,techniques,positive affirmations,labour,delivery,breathing,birth photography,birth videography,healing birth,sister meets brother,siblings meeting,