
TOP 10 strongest military powers in the world 2019

TOP 10 strongest military powers in the world 2019 A ranking of the world’s foremost military powers taking into account a wide variety of factors and using a precise formula to rate countries by their warfighing capabilities. Over 50 different factors are considered in determining each country’s position. Quantities of armaments, while important, are hardly the only factors determining a country’s military capabilities or its ranking. Training, combat readiness, overseas military bases, defensive infrastructure and fortifications are some of the many other assets considered which can and often do prove decisive in the outcome of a war. Outstanding strengths of each particular country, if any, are noted to give an indication as to the assets each party will be most likely to rely on to achieve victory.

Strategic and tactical nuclear capabilities, due to the extreme caution with which they must be deployed and states’ general refrain from using such weapons, are considered a limited asset rather than the decisive game changer they would be if employed freely. Nuclear powers are marked accordingly in the right hand column. Due to their highly secretive nature, biological warfare capabilities are not taken into consideration.

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