

The opinions in this Collection of Articles and Documents are just that- opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share. Do your own Research have a Clear Understanding before you leap.
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The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained are for informational purposes only. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Article.

Mother Divinity Orb Disclaimer:
Note: All Sentient Beings currently in the Matrix are under Mission Soul Contracts. You cannot enter an Avatar- Holographic Body without a Soul Mission Contract. Only Sentient Beings can access the Orbs. You must have a DNA signature. (Artificial Intelligence cannot access the Orb.)
This training will only work if your Intent is set on using these enhancements for purposes of working with light forces. If the intention is set for anything other; then what the light master code stands for the Orb will pick up on it and will not allow you to move forward.
All Sentient Beings currently in the Matrix are under Mission Soul Contracts.
You cannot enter an Avatar- Holographic Body without a Contract.
Note: Only Sentient Beings can access the Orbs.
You must have a DNA signature. (Artificial Intelligence cannot access the Orb.) The Orb will not allow access.

“The Orb cannot be used for Nefarious or Ill Intent. It will not respond. The Orb will Respond aggressively to anyone or anything who attempts to access without Consent the Tiamat Protection Program will activate. Queen Tiamat is the Failsafe protection Program she is equipped with some serious Weapons. She protects All the Matrix Portals and Star Gates. She is the Master Virus Protection Program.

You have a Matrix Portal at least One in your Home you use to Move in and out of the Matrix. Just like in the Movie the Matrix. If you have not reviewed the first Movie the Matrix do, try to do so it will Enlighten you.
I know this is a lot to Process. I speak straight as you deserve to know the Truth.

The Orb is Crystal Plasma Sentient Energy from Source Creation it is Divinity aka Universal Mother. The Crystalline Energy Orb, naturally organic in its nature and origin, it’s "Biological" complete with personality, Consisting of healing and protection Energies.

Time to Go Home Ascension Published on Mar 25, 2017

1) Final preparations are ongoing and being made for Humanity to Return Home – this includes “All of Mother Children!” You have once and for all been freed from all separation, a lack of anything which was a “creation of the mind and fear.”

Clearly all of you have exhausted this experience to the outermost degree. Yet, there are those among-st you who have chosen to remain in the fear, refusing to awaken and will therefore continue to experience this to its fullest expression – of a 100-fold, until you are done with this way of experiencing. You will remain in containment until such time that you are done with this.

2) All will be sent into crystalline healing chambers on the ships. The length of time you spend inside the healing chambers directly depends on the amount of density felt and carried within your physical structure.
For example, those who are STILL UNAWARE will spend the most time within the healing chambers. For most, the minimum time spent will be at least 6 months to one year. The most enlightened souls will spend a minimum of 1 month to up to 6 months. While you may think this is a long time, it is not, for time does not exist! Think of one month's time as 1/32nd of a second outside the contained space you are in right now. Thus, the time spent in the healing chambers is fast!

3) Once each of you have completed the first phase of the process, each of you will be evaluated to see if you are ready for final deprogramming of the mind. If not, you will continue healing until you are. Once you are ready, you will be taken to a classroom to hear the full truth of what you experienced, why that is, and how you participated in these experiences. Based on how much clearing and inner work you have done while in Earth School, a determination will be made as to where you will be placed for your continued education and spiritual evolution. Do not forget that All will be where they need to be! This includes all animals and anything with a consciousness. You must know that absolutely no one, no being with a consciousness is or will be left behind. All is taken care of.
4) All must understand that the Earth is a living ship and was not intended to be a place of quarantine as it is now. It has become what many coin as the proverbial Hell. Originally, it is and was a creation in my pocket, made of love. But it became merged and an amalgamation of all of the being’s thoughts that created a literal “prison of the mind.” Many have learned just how powerful the mind really is.


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