In the Chippewa National Forest lies "The Lost Forty" in north central Minnesota. This is a very easy hiking trail to take the kids on. It is 40 acres of old growth timber that the loggers missed in the 1800's. It's worth jumping on the trail and going for a little hike and checking out the wilderness. This is a heavily traveled hiking trail so there is no worry about getting lost. It's a simple way to enjoy the outdoors, check out wild flowers, birds, and bugs! It's not to far from Grand Rapids, Bemidji, Blackduck, or Deer River. Don't forget the bug spray in the summer or you'll get eaten alive! This is also a great day hike if you like checking out ole red pines and white pines in this state park.
lost forty,the lost forty,lost 40,the lost 40,minnesota,state park,backpack,hiking,trail,hike,travel,scenic,tourism,nature,backpacking,wilderness,outdoors,wild,tree,bushcraft,indian pipe,flatlandersgo,forest,woods,adventure,backcountry,chippewa,chippewa forest,deer river,grand rapids,logging,mushroom,mushroom hunting,trip,pine,pine tree,red pine,white pine,north,northern,mn,wildlife,trees,road trip,summer,national,outdoor,day hike,trails,chippewa national forest,