
DRR Child Ambassadors call for proper evacuation centers and promote waste disposal through theatre

DRR Child Ambassadors call for proper evacuation centers and promote waste disposal through theatre #BAROG2.0 Presents Theatre Group's video as output from the Training of Child Ambassadors on DRR AND Child Protection in Emergencies.

The children used video production and different forms of art as medium to promote DRR and call for the proper implementation of RA10821 or "Children's Emergency Relief and Protection Act". They wrote, shot, directed, edited, and produced their videos with the help of ates and kuyas from Alampat Productions, Kilab Multimedia, Office of Civil Defense. Some scenes shown are inspired by their own experiences in their communities as a number of them have been fire survivors.

This would not be possible without the support of Johanitter International Assistance and German Federal Foreign Office.

*Consent was used for the release of the video

#BAROG2.0 #DRR #ChildProtectioninEmergencies


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