
How to Analyze a Legal Problem

How to Analyze a Legal Problem I was having a discussion with my son about processing issues. He would probably describe it as a lecture but that’s a story for another time. Anyway, I believe that the two main tools that we need in our tool box are the ability to research and how to process issues. As we were conversing, he pauses and asks how I process issues with my clients. I started to answer and then thought it would be a great opportunity to answer his question and have some fun with him as we created a video together and attempt to answer his question.

We worked together has I sketched out some notes and together we dabbled with some new software that I recently purchased. I think the end product came out ok but the quality time spent together was priceless.

To be clear, critical and analytical thinking is not limited to lawyers and that is why it is important for everyone to learn how to process issues.

And if you enjoyed the video feel free to subscribe and share to anyone you think may enjoy it as well. I welcome any comments.

I am a lawyer, but I am not your lawyer. Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice and accordingly is not legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Nothing here creates an attorney-client relationship.

Thinking like a Lawyer,Process issues,grow,entrepreneur,small business,thinking,think and grow,business lawyer,law,reading,lawyer,attorney,Business Coach,Counselor,Growing your Business,Growing my business,Scaling my business,how to solve a problem,

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