Over just a few days, I built a very simple, model radio telescope in under $15 using a satellite dish, coaxial cable, AA batteries, and a satellite signal meter. When all was said and done, I had a simple telescope that was detecting objects near and far and reporting them to me in loud beeps!
This video shows you how to make a very cheap, affordable radio telescope for fun! While this project may not give you images and exact locations, it will give you a better appreciation and understanding of radio astronomy!
Instructions my project was inspired by: Satellite Signal Meter Used: Battery Holder Used:
Intro Music: "Stranger Danger," Francis Preve (YouTube Music Library) Intro Video: "Universe" (Pixabay) Ending Music: "Yo Picasso," Verified Picasso (YouTube Music Library) End Photo: "Delicate Arch," skeeze (Pixabay)