
Letter To ANSI’s Joe Bhatia Demands Apology From CP Russ Chaney’s Threatening &DiscriminatingMessage

Letter To ANSI’s Joe Bhatia Demands Apology From CP Russ Chaney’s Threatening &DiscriminatingMessage Letter To ANSI’s Joe Bhatia Demands Apology From CP Russ Chaney’s Threatening &Discriminating Message.

Joe Bhatia-CEO
Washington, DC. Headquarters
1899 L Street, NW, 11th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Mr. Bhatia


This letter is to formally inform you of a disturbing voicemail message I received from an ANSI Board Member CP Russ Chaney. I found Mr. Chaney's message to be insulting and threatening.

As a Jewish business owner and Journalist on Youtube, I've been a target of anonymous callers leaving me voicemail messages of being a "dirty Jew," and "Christ killer" among other racial slurs in which I care not to repeat at this time. I'm not sure if any of these phone calls came from members of your organization. However, I find it highly suspicious I received a disgusting anti-Semitic message from an unlisted number just minutes before Chaney's call. Coincidence?

Further, Chaney's voicemail message which portrayed I have some form of genital disfigurement was played on speaker phone (in error) in the presence of a client. This was not only deeply embarrassing, but harmful to my reputation as a quality professional.

Sequel to the above, you are requested to submit a draft letter of a clear and unqualified apology and retraction, to be copied to Mr. Chaney and all attached to this email.

TAKE NOTICE that in the event of your failure / refusal to comply with the above mentioned demands within 14 days of your receipt of this letter, the matter will be forwarded to my legal counsel.

Letter To ANSI’s Joe Bhatia Demands Apology From CP Russ Chaney’s Threatening &Discriminating Message.


Daryl Guberman

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#gp Russ Chaney,#mary h Saunders,#dan Roley,#james Thomas,#kevin lawlor,#william Berger,#Philip M piqueira,#robert Williams,#mary Logan,#david Miller,#CATEPILLAR INC,#ASTM,#NSF INTERNATIONAL,#ASME,#UL,#IAPMO,#NIST,#AAMI,#API,#ansi,#ANAB,#Iaf,#asq,#fbi,chris wray,#Randy Doughtery,# Xiao Jianhua,#NIST-MEP,#BONNIE DEL CONTE,#joe Bathia,

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