While I don't know if everything I've listed as "Extra Voice" is actually unused in the game, I've played several matches while recording for this video and didn't hear them. Maybe they appear in Story Mode but it's way too difficult to die in that since the AI ends up beating the opponents even if I don't do anything. However, there are some that I know are unused for sure:
- Caesar's reaction to Lisa Lisa (reuses his reaction to Will A. Zeppeli in game instead)
- Koichi's reactions to Josuke and Rohan (uses his default interaction instead)
- Fugo's reaction to Narancia (reuses his reaction to Bucciarati instead)
- Jolyne crying out Ermes' name (just has her saying "You got hit?" in game instead)
- Part 6 Jotaro (they removed him in game, the vid uses a texture mod I created)
- Gyro's reaction to Johnny (He says nothing in game as if they forgot to program the voice to it. The scene in this video was modded by me)
- Johnny has no default reaction to any partner dying other than Gyro, he's just silent too.
Jonathan: 0:00
Zeppeli: 0:42
Speedwagon: 0:58
Dio: 1:23
Joseph: 1:30
Tequila Joseph: 2:13
Caesar: 2:29
Lisa Lisa: 2:53
Stroheim: 3:23
Esidisi: 3:35
Wamuu: 3:51
Kars: 4:09
Jotaro: 4:21
Old Joseph: 4:47
Kakyoin: 5:32
Avdol: 5:54
Polnareff: 6:24
Iggy: 7:04
Hol Horse: 7:32
N'Doul: 7:39
Mariah: 7:48
Pet Shop: 7:56
Vanilla Ice: 8:02
DIO: 8:09
Josuke: 8:47
Part 4 Jotaro: 9:29
Koichi: 9:51
Okuyasu: 10:32
Rohan: 11:04
Shigechi: 11:22
Yukako: 11:28
Kira: 11:39
Kosaku: 11:48
Giorno: 11:57
Bucciarati: 12:43
Mista: 13:11
Narancia: 13:35
Fugo: 14:01
Trish: 14:17
Jolyne: 14:35
Part 6 Jotaro (Not in game): 15:06
Ermes: 15:20
Weather: 15:35
Anasui: 15:51
Pucci: 16:11
Johnny: 16:20
Gyro: 16:28
Josuke (Part 8): 16:35
Joshu: 16:47
Default Interactions: 16:54
Decisive Battle ~ Overlapping Destinies ~
Fields of Fright
Pain Just Like Strange Rain
A Message To My Friends
Irreversible Sadness