
⚡️RADICAL Ascension Symptoms⚡️Just SAY NO to Negative NARRATIVES⚡️

⚡️RADICAL Ascension Symptoms⚡️Just SAY NO to Negative NARRATIVES⚡️ Those on the Ascending path may start to notice toleration decreases for main lining the usual STORIES in the collective whether virtual or IRL. The bad habit of changing yourself to accommodate people and situations you don't vibe with, believe in, or even like gets old. Attention shifts when we raise our consciousness, and low-vibe energies aren’t compatible with that vibration, so the old drops away. We wake up and discover, we don’t have to do this anymore. We can deprogram and get out of the box we are in once we see it for what it is.

Many low-vibe narratives exist in the MSM and the internet. Who profits? They're all just NARRATIVES presenting a story to make you FEEL a certain way and ACT a certain way. It's OK to admit you don't vibe with them. Perspective changes when you get DISTANCE from ADDICTIONS/COMPULSIONS. All profit-driven media wants you sucked in to suck your energy. Many are heavily encoded and will program you and take advantage of any prior programming that you’ve had. MK Ultra is real. If you got sucked down a rabbit hole and found yourself in a low-vibe place because you believed a STORY you can get out and get some distance by following your HEART and your GUT. Divine Feminine supporting Divine Feminine. Divinine Masculine healing Divine Masculine. Fear mongers and War mongerers must support and heal each other and stop sucking the energy of the Divine Feminine. Divine Feminine must stop allowing her energies to be sucked and see where her programming is being triggered.

Disbelief and reclaiming your power (time/energy/attention). Standing up for yourself if you are owed a debt even if it is unlikely to be paid. Even though it’s an illusory money supply, you know THEY attach meaning, value, and worth to paper and plastic. Acknowledging our value, our worth, and our work as Empaths and Lightworkers which has been harvested and devalued. Saying NO to users and takers who want your attention on their show, their blog, their story, their BS, so they get ratings, or sales, or win bets, etc.

How do you know it's not just a distraction to keep you pacified and looking in the wrong direction? We only know what we are told. Many people lie and will say or do anything to get you to go along with their narrative. Go by VIBE. Are you being told you are important or special? They tell everyone that. Did they promise payment and then stiff you like a peasant? That’s what they do. It’s called narcissism. Sometimes when you believe in a story, a promise, a narrative, you become emotionally attached to the entertainment of a storyline and don’t notice you’re being USED.

Know what you vibe with. Know what you like and don't like and enforce it. Your time, energy, empathy, and work are PRICELESS. Value them, even if others do not. Getting upset or holding a grudge just creates low-vibes in us, which is what they want. That’s how low-vibes get in and start to spiral into misery and slavery. Focus.

Remaining balanced and neutral is the key. Taking time to detox to get our power back. Prior to unavoidable confrontation (if monies are owed or other affairs must be sorted for a dissolution) remembering to treat “offenders” with the respect, friendliness, and professionalism they seem unable to show others. The Golden Rule. Expecting the Best, but managing expectations.

Seeing through really big lies that are just STORIES. Recognizing that many people will lie and manipulate to promote a narrative and gain certain outcomes and then not keep their promises or pay their bills. Self-forgiveness when you’ve been “had” whether a bad contractor, a bad debtor, a bad employer, a bad partner, a bad doctor, or a bad government. A return to sovereignty and Christed Consciousness following usury. Learning to trust yourself again following programmed fugue states.

There are so many HIGH VIBE things to focus on when we deprogram from the core lies of the matrix and just say NO to the narratives that keep us enslaved in our own minds, allowing it to rent space in our heads for free. As we Ascend, fears of confrontation, conflict, and asserting our worth fade because we are able to value the self and stay in the observing witness state.

#AscensionSymptoms #Sovereignty #Empowerment

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