
Sustaining Christy Vlog: Day 3.. What Now! Never a dull moment, God is testing us again.

Sustaining Christy Vlog: Day 3.. What Now! Never a dull moment, God is testing us again. Sustaining Christy Vlog: Day 3.. What Now! Never a dull moment.

God is testing us again. Hello Friends. Wow never a dull moment while traveling with my sister Starry(Stacey)Our entire trip has been a Blessing and continues to be a Blessing even though the RV got a flat. We didn't even realized until we were coming out of the gas station after fueling both the car and RV. God got us that far and most important Stacey got there safely without the tire blowing out on the interstate. God again had his angels protecting. God is so wonderful to us and we didn't mind getting a flat tire. The weather was so cool. I even had to put my sweatshirt on and buy a hot chocolate.

Will be posting another video tomorrow.
I ask some special prayer request. Please keep them in your prayers.
Pray for my sister and her pain.
Pray for my son's friend Mother who has stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and the doctor told her she can no longer do chemo and has one month to live. I pray that her daughter would help her mother with all the testimonies I sent her to give her Mother hope. I heard from women who were told they were going to die by their doctors and only had a few months to live. They wouldn't allow the doctors to tell them when they time was up. God knows when that is and if you are not willing to give up he will be right beside you.

These women took control of their lives, the food they ate, juicing, herbs and supplements. They all beat there cancer and still alive after many many years. Never allow a doctor to seal your fate. Please pray for her and her family. Pray she will fight this and not give up. She is in her home in hospice care.

Please pray for my foot it really bad and in a lot of pain. I have permanent nerve damage and nothing will help it to get better.

Thank you all and God Bless you my friends. If you have a special prayer request please let me know so I can pray for them

If you would like you can email me at


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