
This ONE perspective shift will RAISE VIBRATIONS

This ONE perspective shift will RAISE VIBRATIONS In this video, I discuss the difference between who we are on a soul level, and who we think we are sometimes, (our personality). This is a method that I recently started using and the results are instantaneous. When I try to change myself or other people, it causes resistance.

However, when I decide to say, "you know what, this other person is whole and complete already", (which is the truth, btw), the resistance goes away and they naturally act differently and my perspective of them is different.

Whatever we focus on, we see more of. When we focus on the "negative" in ourselves and in others... we see more of that. If we focus on the love and the light within us, we will experience more. Who doesn't want to experience more love and light?! Nobody. We are all naturally created to live in a state of love. We get off track and focus on other things. We can always come back to it though.

Making this perspective change with automatically make our vibrations higher because we are moving from a perspective of shame, guilt, and blame, to that of LOVE- whole and complete.

I hope you enjoyed this video and if you have any comments or thoughts on it, please let me know in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts.

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