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Download these apps using these codes so WE BOTH get the bonuses for your enrollment, otherwise if you just join, neither one of may get anything, and hey, its free money. So just click on the link, download, enter my code, and begin.
#1 FETCH REWARDS: Turn any grocery receipt into savings! Use my referral code, 7WUXM, during signup and you'll get 2,000 Fetch Points just for starting. Download here: . HAVE ANY RECEIPT FROM THE PAST 2 WEEKS (grocery, gas, convenient store). This app is great because you get cash back on every purchase which is phenomenal and essential when couponing. THIS ONE IS THE MOST SIMPLE. Also, there are no ads, no videos etc.
#2 IBOTTA: This one is great. You can backdate receipts from the past week, just select the stores you have shopped at and look at what they are offering for that week, select it, scan your receipt and you are good to go. NOW once you have scanned your receipts from the past, stores such as Shop rite allow you put your price plus number in the app, so when you make purchases it comes directly off your price plus and into your account. There are “any item” cash back under stores as well, so as long as you purchased SOMETHING in that store, you will receive cash into your account. If you need help locating your store card number please let me know and I will help. Download IBOTTA here and my referral code is cplbojc . Just remember, once your store card is hooked up to ibotta, you will need to select the items before you go.
#3 CHECKOUT51: This one is another great one. Super simple to use. No Ads. No Videos. No nothing. Just click the offers you want and upload your receipt.
#4: RECEIPT PAL: This one is neat because you can upload ANY RECEIPT, resturants, clothes, food, ANYTHING, and score points. It does not not rack up as fast as the other ones, but since you are scanning the receipts you might as well, again, its free money.
#5 SAVING STAR: This one you hook up to your store card, you can do receipts, but why, fi you do not need to? Again, just simple cash back. There is no link for this one, just go into your app store and sign up for saving star
#6 GetUpside: CASHBACK FOR GAS!!!! YES! This is a thing! Download this app. When you need to get gas, pull up the app (while not driving) and located the nearest gas station to you that participates. Activate it, you will have 4 hours to get there. Get your receipt, take a picture, and BAM cash back. Use my code Jourdan4957
#8 DO$H. Okay this one is super easy to use and you don’t even have to think about it. Downlaod the app, put basically, every store credit card, regular debit/ credit card in that you own, and as you use them ANYTIME, they will throw your cashback right into your account. Use my code JOURDAS12
#8 Rakuten EBATES: For all of you ONLINE shoppers. Literally NEVER EVER EVER buy ANYTHING off line without clicking on this app first. It will give you cash back for your whole purchase.
#9 COUPON CABIN: So I have seen a lot of times if Ebates does not have the store you are shopping at giving cash back, coupon cabin does. Sometimes one offers a higher cash back than the other so it is good to check both of them out. This is not my referral code, but right now they do have a $5 welcome bonus when using this link for you.