
How to make a GemDuo choker necklace | TAKE A MAKE BREAK | Jewellery making tutorial

How to make a GemDuo choker necklace | TAKE A MAKE BREAK | Jewellery making tutorial Sit back relax and enjoy our Take A Make Break tutorial. You will fall in love with this GemDuo Choker necklace design by the lovely and talented Sarah Millsop. Ever needed a statement yet elegant piece of jewellery for a special occasion? Well look no further, give yourself a break and learn how to create your very own handmade masterpiece.
Need a bit of inspiration? You have come to the right place, check out hundreds of tutorials and projects and let your creative juices run wild -
All the materials used for this necklace, plus lots more beads, gemstones and findings can be found here: All these designs are for your inspiration, so don’t be afraid to adapt the design as there are so many colourways to choose from.
Relax and let’s stitch!
2:07 Cut 1.5m of thread, add a needle and a stopper bead
2:50 Thread through the bottom hole of the top GemDuo bead
2:52 Thread through the top hole of the bottom GemDuo bead
4:06 Continue until you have used all the GemDuo beads
8:12 Pick up 4 seed beads and go through the bottom GemDuo bead
8:53 Pick up another 4 seed beads and go through the next bottom GemDuo bead
9:50 Continue to the end of your necklace
14:10 Add the final 4 seed beads and go through the hole the stopper bead is going through
14:37 Go back around the outside of the top bead
14:54 Go back down the top beads bottom hole to reinforce the edge
15:03 Go through the bottom GemDuo bead using the top hole
15:10 Go through the same GemDuo bead but through the bottom hole
15:27 Thread back though the top hole and though the top GemDuo bead
15:34 Change direction and come back through the top GemDuo bead
15:38 Add 3 seed beads, through the GemDuo and change direction
16:08 Pass up through the seed beads
16:19 Pull the thread to keep tension
16:36 Add 3 seed beads to the top tier and continue to the end of your necklace
19:49 At the end of your necklace add 4 seed beads and navigate through the bottom tier
20:27 Thread through the GemDuo and 2 seed beads
20:33 Pick up 1 seed bead and go through the 2 seed beads, a GemDuo bead and 2 seed beads
20:50 Add a seed bead and continue to the end of your necklace
33:13 Now check the necklace tension and remove the stopper bead
34:20 Pick up 4 seed beads and go through the GemDuo
34:47 Cross over the top of the GemDuo and down through 3 seed beads
35:01 Pick up 3 seed beads, add your clasp and pick up 3 more seed beads
35:14 Weave your thread back through your design
35:40 Tie half hitch knots back through your necklace
35:59 Add a jump ring to the other end of your necklace

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Beading,jewellery making tutorial,beadsdiret,how to make a choker,GemDuo Beads,Sarah Millsop,Beads,

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