
Lily's Story | Entering, Enduring, and Leaving Behind an Abusive Relationship

Lily's Story | Entering, Enduring, and Leaving Behind an Abusive Relationship This video details a close friend of mine's experience in a relationship with an emotionally abusive and manipulative partner.

We cover some red flags from early in the relationship, patterns of behavior during the long years they were together, and what got her to finally leave.

We're hoping that sharing Lily's story will give a different perspective on how one can end up in a relationship like this as well as a view from inside the depths of a toxic relationship. Maybe this will help some people see negative patterns in their dating history so they can start down a healing journey.

Names have been changed to protect the just and unjust alike. And yeah, there is some saltiness here. You'd be salty too if you heard your best friend was being treated in this way.

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7:35 Before DL
- 10:22 Relationship cycle
- 11:34 Love bombing
- 12:52 Red flag: controlling behaviors
- 13:41 Red flag: narrative control
- 15:12 Codependency
19:02 DL
27:39 The relationship with DL
- 30:03 Narrative construction and enforcement
- 40:05 Gaslighting
- 43:26 Control
- 47:35 Boundaries
- 51:48 Self-centeredness
- 54:02 Threats
- 59:57 Triangulation
- 1:04:36 Cheating
1:10:04 Lily's departure from the relationship
1:30:37 Conclusions

cass eris,npd,narcissism,narcissistic personality disorder,abuse survivor,toxic relationship,love bombing,gaslighting,triangulation,codependency,psychology,

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