⭐️ Source: u/Kinalvin & Paitouch
⭐️ Translation and Typeset: u/mlle_araignee
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Fun fact: This was made all the way back during Onigashima rerun in NA. When this was finished, it was already a week after the event ended so I decided to save this until Oniland rerun in JP. It WAS a lot of waiting and I was hoping this was going to be Hyzen's debut video but alas, life doesn't always go as you planned haha!
__s t a f f__
🌠 Hyzengard
🌠 sithgem
🌠HaruTsunX - Audio Cleanup
🌠 finchkell - Page Cleaner/Redrawer
🌠 KiriKiito - Video Editor
💕Red Velvet💕