
Find Out your Vibration and Evolve It By Watching This Video

Find Out your Vibration and Evolve It By Watching This Video You'll EASILY Find Out your Vibration and Evolve it By Watching This Video. We are all eternal spiritual beings having temporary human experiences. Know that you're already a HIGH vibrational being.....this video I'll show you EXACTLY how to SHIFT to a whole new level.

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This video I'm going to show you how to find your vibration and how to evolve it and by the end of this video you will know what that is and I'll show you EXACTLY what to do.

Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this one, I'm going to be sharing with you that have a way you can calibrate your vibration to know where your vibration is and I'm going to be showing you how to evolve it to the next level because one of the things that we decided to do and we were having this kind of experience is we forgot who we are.

We forgot that we are eternal spiritual beings and we forget that so that we can come here to have certain experiences. Now, the truth of the matter is that every single person, and especially every person watching this video, you are that of a high vibrational being.

The only thing that keeps you from feeling that high vibration is your belief patterns, is certain identities you have that don't serve you at certain things that have happened in the past that you think make you who you are. And what happens is when we have those things that happened to us many times, that will become a part of our identity.

So a lot of raising our vibration is actually just letting go of the things that keep us from feeling in a higher vibrational state. And you'll find that in general, the more you go about doing your purpose, the more you end up in this higher state of consciousness. And the more you let go of, especially the pain of the past, things that have happened to you, that's when things really get taken to the next level.

You're able to, uh, to feel high all the time without substances.
You won't need to drink or smoke or do anything. You'll just naturally feel that way. That's our natural vibration and that's where we're headed as well on the planet.

As far as you know, the, the transformation that's happening more and more people are becoming aware that they could feel 100% whole and complete and you can be passionate about what you do.

Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing something that's a little bit different than anything you've ever really shared before and it has to do with understanding archetypal energy and vibration. So archetypes and energy. So first off, I went to a Bashar conference at the beginning of this year, maybe like April.

One of the questions I asked him is I asked Bashar about archetypes. Now archetypes are in the books, the law of one. It's like the whole fourth book talks about archetypes and I find it very fascinating.

These archetypes are within our collective consciousness. So imagine it like we are all here right now and we have within us, we're all connected to this divine mind. We are all connected and there are these symbols in our collective consciousness that exists within every single one of us that have existed for thousands of years that we tap into.

Some of these archetypes will serve us and some of these archetypes will serve us, but in a way that we may not actually prefer. And we take on archetypes many times with art even knowing it because it's so patterned within our collective consciousness. Now I asked Bashar about this and what he said was these archetypes do have an impact on us and their different frequencies. When we align our identity and our thoughts and our emotions to these frequencies, we then take on the characteristics of them.

So this is about being aware of those archetypal energy. For example, archetype and archetype may be the joker, the mother, you know, the child and archetype may be the victim, the king, the Queen, the dictator, the boss. These are all different archetypes. These are like different roles.

You'll find that sometimes when you fall into these roles, these roles, these archetypes, you start to develop the energy of it. The recent times, something something will happen in your life. And that'll cause you to then start to identify with an archetype without.....

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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