
Lewis (10) Gentrix's Son Jigger Digging (2 of 2) - what a joy in gifts

Lewis (10) Gentrix's Son Jigger Digging (2 of 2) - what a joy in gifts A gift is medicine to the soul. No matter how small, the joy it brings is determined by how receptive the heart is. An open heart knows no size in the gifts, it sees favor, love and gain, and this makes it merry. We at RUS love blessing children, because they are so receptive and appreciative of the little things we can afford for them. Thank you Hollie for Ongata Rongai for the gifts that blessed our little Lewis. Thank you our dear, most honored sponsors for your donations that help us purchase sandals for the kids in villages.
This YouTube video is intended to educate and raise awareness about the flea problem in Africa.

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