
Closing the Talent Gap: Aligning Opportunities for a Greater Region

Closing the Talent Gap: Aligning Opportunities for a Greater Region Team NEO’s 2019 Aligning Opportunities report shares that the demand for skilled and educated talent is increasing, while the level of educational attainment in Northeast Ohio falls well short of the need. To close the talent gap, it is imperative to increase the pipeline of credentials awarded in Northeast Ohio. According to the report, the most significant sources of technically skilled talent are educational institutions at the secondary and postsecondary levels. While other sources of talent may also be important, the educational institutions that prepare residents for the workforce comprise, by far, the largest component of a talent supply system.

Our forum will examine how we can connect students to quality education, in-demand jobs, and classroom experiences that encourage pursuing higher education; and identify what institutions of higher education need to know about the evolving needs of our region’s employers, so that we may better attract, retain, and grow a workforce with the skills needed to keep our region competitive.


Panel Moderator:
Jacob W. Duritsky
Vice President for Strategy and Research
Team NEO

Dr. Roland V. Anglin
Dean and Professor
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University

Courtney DeOreo
Executive Director, RITE
Senior Director, Greater Cleveland Partnership

John Flynn
Director of Talent Acquisition

Tracy Green
Vice President for Strategic and Institutional Development
Lorain County Community College

Tracey Phelps, P.E.
Deputy Director of Operation and Maintenance
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

Autumn R. Russell
Executive Director
MAGNET's Early College, Early Career Program


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