
DEFEND & RESIST: Michael Matt Interviews Bishop Schneider

DEFEND & RESIST: Michael Matt Interviews Bishop Schneider As the Catholic Identity Conference gets underway, Michael Matt sits down with Bishop Athanasius Schneider to discuss everything from the Amazon Synod to Freemasonry in the Church, the Second Vatican Council, Sedevacantism and the necessity of remaining faithful to the Church despite Revolution at the highest levels of the Church.

Bishop Schneider’s outspoken critique of the Amazon Synod is followed by a beautiful explanation of why deserting Mother Church at this her darkest hour is simply not an option, and how all the men and women of Christendom are called to come to the defense of the Bride of Christ.

There’s still time to sign up for the Catholic Identity Conference On-Demand Video subscription. Sign up right now at and don’t miss Bishop Schneider’s keynote address Saturday night at 7:30!


The Remnant,remnant tv,the remnant video,the remnant underground,Michael Matt,Catholic,Amazon Syond,Bishop Schneider,Pachamama,Freemasonry,SSPX,Vatican II,Pope Francis,

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