
Different Curses of Poverty (Ep. 76)

Different Curses of Poverty (Ep. 76) There are many different types of Poverty Curses and all of them are very destructive to finances. The truth of the matter is that all of the different areas of your finances are subject to being Blessed or Cursed. In this episode, you will learn how to keep curses out of your finances and your life. God’s Blessing will then work in your life.

Episodes this week will also include, Different Curses of Sickness and Diseases, The Prosperity Gospel - The Truth, Making Your Life A Curse Free Zone and Cancer Healed In 15 Seconds

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These Podcasts, as well as Pastor Jim’s 15 Minute videos, are some of the most advanced Word of Faith Spirit-Filled Teaching available anywhere.

Pastor Jim has a wonderful Spirit-Filled prayer ministry and is available by phone to pray with people. When you call, he answers the phone personally. He gets amazing results, with people being healed of sickness and disease and generational curses of sickness, disease and poverty broken right over the phone. His phone number can be found on the website.

Pastor Jim is known nationwide as the “How To Preacher” as he not only teaches people what God has promised but how to receive those promises. Learn how to receive from God and your life will rapidly improve and you will live your life on a level you never imagined. Listening to these Podcasts every day will increase your faith and quicken you spirit. Tell everyone you know about these Podcasts. Watch Pastor Jim’s free 15 minute videos and become his prayer partner at and subscribe to his YouTube channel.


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