Hello there!🙋🏻♀️
YOU need to know that you are a loved and cherished human being! You have a Heavenly Creator who loves you so much! If you do not know Jesus, please watch this video. You can pray a prayer with me and accept Him into your heart! If you do know Jesus, I hope you find this video to be an encouragement to you as well.☺️This video is something that God put on my heart. If you feel a tug on YOUR heart, He is speaking to you, and I hope that you’ll answer!❤️
⭐️We will continue in our Scripture reading in this video as well, picking up in Psalm 60, and reading through Psalm 64.
❗️This is a requested - normal whisper voice, no wet whispering, and no lip smacking - video, FYI.
👍🏻If you like this video, a THUMBS UP would be so appreciated, thank you so much!😘
🔔Join me in future videos! Please SUBSCRIBE & make sure you hit the NOTIFICATION BELL. Welcome friend!💛
🥰Thank you so much for watching! Prayers and blessings sent your way!🙏🏻
#IGiveUp #YouAreLoved #YouAreNotAlone ##SinnersPrayer #NeverGiveUp #BibleASMR #ChristianASMR #ASMRBible #ASMR #Christmas #ASMRWhispering #ASMRTapping #ASMRReading #relaxing #FaithToRiseAgain