***Email me at culturedkraftz@gmail.com for personal readings
***4 card pull $25
***6 card pull $35
***8 card pull $45
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This is a Love Energy Reading for Nov.2nd-3rd on "How does He or She feel about you. THEY ARE/HAVE RELEASED WHAT THEY NEED TO IN ORDER TO MOVE FORWARD TOWARDS YOU. Be patient with them even though your passion is running deep to love them unconditionally and vice versa. You will pick up on there energy and how they are missing and thinking of you as well. TRUTH IS COMING IN. Keep the faith high and know that in divine timing you will be together. Keep doing your inner work and setting goals for your future with them. Know that you have great work to accomplish together and that they will compliment your life in every way. STAY IN ALIGNMENT. November is a month of prayers being answered, miracles happening, and healing past hurt of all kinds. Stand in your power and embrace the new. YOU GOT THIS. Sending peace love and light to all.