
The Stock Market is The playground for the Wealthy -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash

The Stock Market is The playground for the Wealthy -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash The Stock Market is The playground for the Wealthy -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash
The U.S. stocks are hovering near record levels, but many are struggling to break out of a narrow trading range to hit new highs. One reason: Fewer individual stocks are contributing to the rally.
Funny how the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq are in lockstep with one another. Word on the street is that corporate buybacks are once again the villains in the Stock Market rising as well as BTFD'ers who still believe like the '69 N.Y. Mets and Tug McGraw. This dog and pony show has run a long time like some tired old Broadway show in New York. What we've learned is that this time is different. The Fed and Central Banks are in cahoots big time to keep easy money and liquidity intact. The corporations get the buzz that there's free money to buy back more shares and drive up their bottom line and stock price. This rinse and repeat the feedback loop can only continue so long.

80% of all stock revenues goes to 20% of the population. The average 401K for someone over 50 is $62K (for a monthly income of about $400 at an 8% rate of return).

The stock market is a playground for the wealthy.

Welcome to The Atlantis Report.
The stock market is overvalued; it is riding on a historical tidal wave of debt and printed money. The FED is now monetizing U.S. Treasury debt to the tune of $278 billion a month so that Wall Street will be flush with cash.
The number of stocks hitting 52-week highs had fallen since June—when the S&P 500 kicked off its last unbeaten run at a record. Last week, 106 firms in the index set new 52-week highs, down from 293 in mid-June.
This Stock Market Rally Has Everything, Except Investors
Companies keep buying vast quantities of their own shares, propelling prices higher even as pensions, mutual funds, and individuals sit on their hands.
American corporations flush with cash from last year's tax cuts, and a growing economy is buying back their own shares at an extraordinary clip. They have a good reason: Buybacks allow them to return cash to shareholders, burnish critical measures of financial performance, and goose their share prices.
Print another 15 Trillion and put it all it stock buybacks again, up up and away.
The surge in buybacks reflects a fundamental shift in how the market is operating, cementing the position of corporations as the single largest source of demand for American stocks. The binge has helped sustain a bull market approaching its 10th birthday, even in the face of political, international, and economic uncertainty.
They can print as much money as they want, to infinity.

And they can use that money to buy as much stock as they want.

There is no ceiling for the stock market because it's propped up by funny money.
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