
#webEngineering unit 4 part 3 rgpv Web Engineering

#webEngineering unit 4 part 3 rgpv Web Engineering Displaying XML Using CSS
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a dynamic markup language. It is used to transform data from one form to another form.
An XML file can be displayed using two ways. These are as follows :-

Cascading Style Sheet
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation
Displaying XML file using CSS :
CSS can be used to display the contents of the XML document in a clear and precise manner. It gives the design and style to whole XML document.

Basic steps in defining a CSS style sheet for XML :
For defining the style rules for the XML document, the following things shoulde be done :-

Define the style rules for the text elements such as font-size, color, font-weight, etc.
Define each element either as a block, inline or list element, using the display property of CSS.
Identify the titles and bold them.
Linking XML with CSS :
In order to display the XML file using CSS, link XML file with CSS. Below is

SGML, HTML, and XML are all markup languages. The term "markup" originated from editors making revisions to writers' manuscripts. An editor "marks up" the manuscript to highlight certain fields. In computer technology, a markup language is a set of words and symbols that highlights text to define it for a web document. For example, to separate paragraphs and put letters in a boldface type, web designers use markup language. Once you understand the roles SGML, HTML, and XML play in web design, you'll see the kinship these distinct languages have with each other. In a nutshell, SGML, HTML, and XML is a family of languages that help make websites functional and web design dynamic.

In this family of markup languages, Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is the parent. SGML provides a way to define markup languages and sets the standard for their form. In other words, SGML states what some languages can or cannot do, what elements must be included, such as tags, and the basic structure of the language. As a parent passes on genetic traits to a child, SGML passes structure and format rules to markup languages.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a child, or application, of SGML. It is HTML that structures the page for a browser. Using HTML, you can embed images, create page sections, establish fonts, and direct the flow of the page. Additionally, using HTML, you can add other functions to a website via scripting languages such as JavaScript. HTML is the predominant language used in website design.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a cousin to HTML and a nephew to SGML. Although XML is a markup language and therefore part of the family, it has different functions than HTML. XML is a

sgml,xml,html,#webEngineering rgpv Web Engineering unit 1 part 1,rgpv,xml to html,embed xml to html,

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