
XR UK Global Hunger Strike for People and Planet — Declaration! | Extinction Rebellion

XR UK Global Hunger Strike for People and Planet — Declaration! | Extinction Rebellion "Just this month, unprecedented floods have destroyed lives and livelihoods across great swathes of the North and Midlands - Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire", Mothiur began as he stood in front of the Liberal Democrat HQ on the morning of November 18th.

For the next seven days, XR UK Hunger Strikers will at all Political Parties' Head Quarters and need YOUR support.

Mothiur continued, "The floods have ruined crops of staple foods like potato and cabbage. Elsewhere across the globe, even worse flooding, droughts and extreme heat are destroying crops of staple grains like wheat and rice. Our global food supplies are at increasing vulnerability to extreme weather events. #NoFoodNoFuture .

It is now over 1 year ago that the world’s scientists warned of the need for drastic action to avert these kinds of catastrophes and much worse to come. Even the Daily Mail reported on the scientists’ predictions as meaning “a plague of droughts, heavy flooding and extreme heat”. Over one year later, are we seeing that drastic action carried out by our Government? No we are not.

So we had to begin to take drastic action. Not the Government. Not Big Business. We people began coming together. Not just here in the UK but around the Globe. Children took the lead as they saw their future being taken away by leaders more focused on shoring up their power base.

Humanity is at a crossroads with an unprecedented Climate and Ecological Emergency. Our country too is at a crossroads with a historic General Election. Here in the UK, we join in the Global Hunger Strike by demanding our political leaders act now on the crises we are facing. This is no ordinary General Election. This is the mother of all UK General Elections! This is the Climate Election!

With our hunger strike, we are calling for a change in business as usual, for any new Government to make the Climate & Ecological Emergency its highest and most fundamental responsibility . This is our opportunity to make clear to Parliament and Government that we will not stand by this flagrant dereliction of duty to the basic subsistence and survival needs of the people of this country.

Through our hunger strike we stand in humble solidarity as we learn to feel what the Global South has been facing for centuries. The risks that their communities families and children have been facing as a daily trauma are now becoming the risks to our communities families and children in Europe too.

Through our hunger strike we demand a “Politics of Humility” from our politicians, to demand our Parliament to show more humility towards its duties to its citizens rather than being entranced by power, influence and ideologies.

This Election will shape not only how the UK faces the Climate & Ecological Emergency, but also how other countries will respond. We invite our politicians to show leadership to other countries. But a different kind of leadership to the politics of divide and conquer that subdued the majority world during its colonial era. A leadership of humility towards its past and calling for unity across nations for the current needs of global civil society and those creatures with whom we share our planet.

We can’t predict the outcome of this election, but what we can predict is that no politician is going to be humble. Not without being given some humble pie. So let’s give it to them in this Election. Lets give them humble pie!

We go on hunger strike to ask you, citizens of the UK, to demand your Parliamentary Candidates to take active steps towards global unity by enacting the 3 Demands Bill which Extinction Rebellion has presented to politicians across the political spectrum. We do not support any one party but instead support any party that will agree to support your needs and your children’s needs by enacting the 3 Demands Bill. Because we are you and we are your children."

Rebroadcast courtesy of
Find more about the XR Global Hunger Strike HERE:
See the Three Demands Bill HERE:
Read a copy of the letter delivered to all UK party leaders HERE:

Join the rebellion:

1. #TellTheTruth
2. #ActNow
3. #BeyondPolitics

World Map of Extinction Rebellion Groups:

extinction rebellion,climate change,xr,sixth extinction,global warming,air pollution,activism,climate breakdown,Ecological crisis,act now,tell the truth,join xr,recycle,protest,regenerative culture,carbon emissions,fossil fuels,hunger strike,Mothiur,London,Liberal Democrat,floods,food insecurity,people and planet,declaration,

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