Today’s market acted exactly as we laid it out last night.
It was quiet, but from above yesterday’s opening range high and below the gap left open from the previous day, they were poised to go get it. Get it they did.
They hung around up there all day, and we know what that means. This among others is one of the topics of choice in tonight’s common sense market analysis video.
The analysis found in these videos is appropriate for both beginning Traders and experienced Traders alike.
We look at only technical analysis using charts from various time frames using various vehicles. We use only the Candlestick charts and moving averages to determine our next best case scenario.
We provide common sense technical analysis on many different markets using charts from various time frames to give traders and investors the most comprehensive look at what today's market is doing.
Whether you're a beginner or advanced trader, each and every day there are lessons to be taken away from the in depth market analysis where we look at the market from a unique lens.
#todaysmarket #fakerally #newhighs