
I've Got 4 Legs And Here's What My Life Is Like

I've Got 4 Legs And Here's What My Life Is Like 馃崁 If you would like to get your story animated, send it to this email address -

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Hillary is 15 and she lives in the Philippines. Her issue is, she's got 4 legs! The additional pair of legs grows straight out of her tummy.

Hillary's the fourth child in her family. Her older siblings are ordinary people. Her father is especially proud of her sister, who's a smart and wholesome girl with shiny wavy waist-length hair and eyes that are like a bottomless ocean. Hillary, however, is an actual monster, as her neighborhood boys say. She's got a shapely figure that looks perfectly normal from behind. The front view though… That's the stuff of nightmares. She's got the legs and bottom of her twin brother protruding out of her abdomen, where her navel would normally be. At a glance, it looks as if she's swallowed a person with her belly. His head and shoulders are inside, but the rest couldn't fit so his legs are sticking out.

Some of the insults Hillary's heard were really creative, like "bog witch" or "four-legged roach". But she felt even more hurt after she knew this could have been avoided if her mother went to the hospital for a medical check-up when she was pregnant, just once. The hospital isn't even that far from where they live, in the nearest town. Hillary was blatantly envious of the other girls, who could freely talk to boys. Not only did she have legs sticking out of her belly but they were also moving, as if her brother wanted to tear himself free and jump out of her. When this happened, Hillary's dress, which was suspiciously wide already, would visibly wobble.

At 15, Hillary's never been taken to the hospital. She's aware other people like her exist and they just remove the parasitic twin so that the person can lead a normal life. It's what her older sister has told her. After she graduated from high school, she moved to the city and enrolled in a top university. She brought her laptop with her so Hillary could read all about her condition. But the family just can't afford her healing when all of their money is reserved for her sister's education.

The constant mocking and teasing Hillary's had to endure were upsetting, to say the least. She couldn't just sunbathe on the beach on a warm day like any other teenage girl. Once, she found a secluded spot where she thought she could have a swim. But as soon as Hillary got into the water, a bunch of guys she didn't know showed up on the shore. She had to spend the entire day in the water, until they finally got hungry and left.

Another unpleasant incident happened when Hillary was in the city visiting her sister. She hoped she'd get an appointment with the best doctor, but as it turned out, they were all too expensive for her to afford. Once, Hillary's sister asked her to go to the store. She said: "You gotta get used to living in a society. You're human, no matter what." Hillary always dressed in the baggiest robes she could find in order to conceal the extra legs. As she was picking up cereal off the bottom shelf, the robe flaps must have opened accidentally. She had a huge list of groceries to buy, and she got so carried away she just didn't notice she was exposed. She was at the checkout, packing her groceries into a plastic bag, when one of her extra legs stuck out from under the robe right into the cashier's face, followed by the other leg. The cashier screamed so loudly everyone in the store came to see what was up, and then she collapsed. Hillary was discombobulated. Security arrived and took her away to a police station, where her sister caught up with them and explained everything.

Hillary cried for the rest of the day. Her sister tried to put some fight into her, saying she needed to go on. She told Hillary about the man who was born with no limbs. And Hillary decided she'd keep fighting. Since she returned home, she's been looking for someone to help her. She's going to start by making some money, just enough for a doctor's appointment. She's got working hands that are going to help her. She can be a babysitter or a dishwasher at a cafe. She keeps looking through papers for job advertisements and she's posted up some notices of her own. She's actually gotten a few calls already! Hopefully she'll find a job soon enough.

Her sister has also been very helpful. She's recently been to a clinic in her city. She told the doctor about Hillary and he's very interested in her case. He admitted conditions like hers aren't very well researched yet, so he's notified a Manila-based research center and they've promised to help remove Hillary's extra limbs.

Hillary's very happy to have made a little bit of headway. She can't wait for the day she becomes a normal person. She's learned you have to go forth and ask people for help instead of hiding and hating the world.


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