
The audacity! Lib Dem election candidate says it’s the BREXIT PARTY who are undemocratic - News 247

The audacity! Lib Dem election candidate says it’s the BREXIT PARTY who are undemocratic  - News 247 Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  The Liberal Democrats’ policy to revoke Article 50 and cancel Brexit if they won a majority has been branded by many people as being wholly undemocratic. The 2016 EU referendum was the biggest democratic exercise in UK history and there was a clear verdict – to leave the EU. However, Liberal Democrat PPC for Wrexham Tim Sly has turned this on its head and claimed the Brexit Party is actually the undemocratic one. He claimed Nigel Farage’s fledgling party is organised internally in an undemocratic way – from the top down instead of being based around its grassroots. He said: “I think the problem is that the Brexit Party is run very much from the centre, whereas you can point to a local Labour Party, local Liberal Democrat party, local Conservative Party who will have strong and active local associations on the group. “The Brexit Party is run very much from the centre. My understanding is that it’s not had so much local input, so you have to wonder how sustainable that is, regardless of how well or otherwise they do in this particular election.” Asked whether this is because the party is new, he pointed out that there wasn’t such an issue with the SDP when they formed in 1981.  The SDP was made up of dissident Labour Party MPs and eventually merged with the Liberal Party in 1988 to form the Liberal Democrats. Mr Sly said: “I’m old enough to remember when things like the SDP were formed in the 1980s, but that was very much ‘go out and organise yourselves locally, here’s a template of how to do it’ whereas the Brexit Party is completely top-down. “I think the difference is, if you look at the constitution of the Labour Party or the Lib Dems or even the Conservative Party, they are made up of local constituency organisations who are democratically organised. “The Brexit Party is actually run as a company and the people who support it are supporters rather than members and the whole structure is set up so it’s run from the top – command and control. “To be very blunt – you used the world ‘undemocratic’ in the context of the Lib Dems earlier and you’re not the first person to say that, but I would that back and say ‘if you look at a party that’s really undemocratic, you ought to look at how the Brexit Party organises itself internally.” A Brexit Party spokesman said: "We find it a bit rich for a Liberal Democrat candidate to accuse anyone else of being undemocratic. This is the same party that called the biggest democratic vote in this country's history "bollocks" and plans to disregard and ignore the 17.4 million people who voted to Leave the EU. "The only thing “liberal” about the Lib Dems is their view of democracy." Nevertheless, a criticism that has been fired at the Br

Brexit Party,Liberal Democrats,

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