
The Best Way To Predict Your Future - But Only a Few Apply | Dr. Joe Dispenza

The Best Way To Predict Your Future - But Only a Few Apply | Dr. Joe Dispenza #Motivation #Teamfearless #Drdispenza
The Best Way To Predict Your Future - But Only a Few Apply | Dr. Joe Dispenza

your brain is organized to reflect every thing you know in your life your brain is a record of the platt past it's an artifact of everything you've learn and experience in this moment the feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences and we can remember experiences better because we remember how they feel so most people wake up in the morning and they start remembering all their problems these problems are connected to certain people and certain things at certain times and places the moment they start thinking about those problems they're thinking in the past those problems have an emotion associated with them in the moment they tart feeling those emotions the body is the unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between an experience that's creating an emotion and the emotion the person's fabricating by thought alone now thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so most people's entire state of being when they start their day is already in the past so you have a choice the choice is you're either defined by a vision of the future or you're defined by the memories of the past and when you decide to say ok I'm gonna change and you decide one thing I'm not gonna eat this food I'm gonna wake up earlier I'm gonna do something aerobic I'm not gonna have you sugar after six o'clock whatever it is Jefferson whatever choice a person makes the moment you make a choice to do something differently and the hardest part about change is not making the same choices either the day before get ready because it's going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel unfamiliar there's going to be some uncertainty and unpredictability and that's the moment the game is on yes so then most people there their body has been conditioned emotionally to be the mind. so now this so the body says wow I'd rather hang on to my guilt then take a chance and possibility I'd rather live in fear yes then trust in the unknown so so once the person feels uncomfortable the body goes whoa wait a second we're out of the program here and body starts influencing the minds right so it says start tomorrow you'll never change you don't have the money to do this you're not good enough your mother told you or this your father's fault it's your ex's fault you know all of the voices that come up now here's the deal if you respond to those voices those same thoughts as going to lead to the same choice which is going to lead to the same behavior which is going to create the same experience that produce the same emotion and the person is going to say this feels right no no no that feels familiar going from the old self to the new self is a neurological it's a biologicals of chemicals or hormonal it's a genetic death of the old self and people will say to me in that void and that unknown I can't predict my future and I'll say to them the best way top redict your future is to create it and not from the known but from the unknown of it so close your eyes now and think about that vision once you start thinking about that vision of your future you're activating the creative centers in your brain becomes the experience you begin to feel the emotion of the event before it's made manifest now you're giving your body a sampling and taste of the future and now if a thought and a feeling create a new state of being you're combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion and now you're beginning to change your biology and you're seeing a whole new landscape that you could never see before because you're no longer viewing your future through the lens of I love this because most people will wait for theirs their wealth to feel abundance they'll rate for their success to feel empowered they'll wait for their new relationship to feel love so think about that the absence of getting those things causes people to live and lack their entire lives right and if they're not creating a new life then they're not applying the proper principles then they keep all their manifestations all their dreams that are doing well think about this if you get up feeling gratitude if you get up feeling empowered if you get a feeling whole if you get a feeling unlimited why would you why would you worry about whether it was gonna come or not you would feel like it already happened.
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