
Catering service Disposing Garbage in Pushpak Super fast Train by Throwing it from Coaches joints 🤯

Catering service Disposing Garbage in Pushpak Super fast Train by Throwing it from Coaches joints 🤯 Catering service Disposing Garbage in Pushpak Super fast Train by Throwing it from Coaches joints 🤯
We were in B1 coach
We travel on January 12 2020
Train no 12533
Catering service disposing all the garbages from the joints of boogie or coaches, when I ask them, why they throwing, they say animals will eat it, u tell me, which animal eat aluminium and plastic, these catering services should be heavily fined for doing this kind of abusing with nature.
Spread this video so every body see this bad doing of these idiot people.
I hate to see people don't wanna make country beautiful
To make and save some money, they are throwing garbage here n there.


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