I have strong reason to believe that Amazon has a surprise in store for us (Magic). We've got some hidden details scattered around and some were right in plain sight!
Diving into the Mage System!
Official Trailer -
Dev Diary Sneak Peak -
Link to full interview (details from alpha):
MMORPG link -
Direct MMO.IT Link (It's in Italian)
Sign up for Closed Beta -
Join forces with scores of other players to form powerful companies of craftspeople, mercenaries, prospectors and architects.
Claim territories and leverage your dominion to consolidate power and compel loyalty.
Fight for survival against enemy raiders, brutal wilderness, and gathering evil.
Craft hundreds of items, from magical elixirs and deadly weapons to sprawling fortifications.
Special thanks to Patrons: Loth, K Lel
And Top 20 Channel Members -
Feldon T
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