DISCLAIMER: I am the editor/animator of this video. The reciter has allowed use of this audio for commercial usage on this channel. This is a 20 year old obscure live audio recording obtained from an old analog audio cassette. This video is for EDUCATIONAL purposes and falls under "Fair Use" since it ADDS MASSIVE VALUE to the words which WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE OTHERWISE WITHOUT CONCRETE IMAGERY, as testified by HUNDREDS of independent reviews on youtube. It helps in promoting tolerance and respect. IT DOES NOT ENCOURAGE HATRED OR VIOLENCE IN ANY WAY OR FORM, RATHER IN ENCOURAGES HUMILITY. Half of the video urges viewers to use their intellect and encourages scientific discovery. There is no controversial material in this video whatsoever. No copyright is claimed in this video on some portions to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws. I have permission to use this audio in response to services rendered to the speaker. Full credits and attributes are listed on my website. The educational value of the Quran and its impact of intellectual and scientific development has been well documented by historians and writers of all ethnicity. The Quran is still part of curriculum of both secular and religious schools across the globe including ivy league institutions in the US. Read More
Captivating informational visualization of the 55th chapter of the Holy Quran. This video highlights the unlimited favors of the God Almighty upon mankind. This video inspires not merely the heart but also the intellect by asking to think rationally. This is obvious in the signs and bounties of nature mention in this chapter. A curious mind cannot but ponder upon the signs in the heaven and earth and inside human nature itslef and investigate them further. This leads to scientific and intellectual development over and above the lesson of humility that is stressed multiple times and without which there can be no empathy or sympathy for other human beings. The video emphases the words through concrete imagery and touches the heart through the use of motion and colors with precision. This video has been fine tuned to the level of individual frames at most places. The audio dictates the video and not the other way around as often is the intention of most editors who just want to impress the client quickly instead of achieving long term goals. The editing is subtle and is not obvious in most places; the message is. The video features 30+ translations in addition to A PHRASE FOR PHRASE LITERAL TRANSLATION. This is also the MOST SUBTITLED VIDEO IN its category with translations Albanian,Bangla,Bosnian,Chinese,Croatian, Dutch, English,French,German,Hindi,Indonesian,Italian,Japanese,Korean,Malay,Persian,Portuguese,Russian,Serbian,Spanish,Turkish and Urdu (click CC/Captions). The audio is an obscure live recording that was neglected for 20 years prior this video.
Videos like these and the projects we are attempting require massive investment of time and money. THIS WORK IS NOT COMMERCIALLY VIABLE. We are working on projects Better than this popular and universally acclaimed video. The impact of these videos has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt as evident from hundreds of independent reviews and embedding of our URLs in hundreds of websites and forums. Please do support our new projects. Small donations can add up and get the job done.