This is my Step 4 towards sucess and fulfillment, and it tackles the power of viewpoints.
Most people would be surprised by the prodigious efficiency that changing your point of view can have on your life.
First, you can use them to control your feelings. Indeed, our feelings are not inherent to objects, events and ideas. It is how we interpret them that will determine how we feel about them. For instance, failure doesn't have to be traumatic and humilliating. If you see it an opportunity to spot one of your flaws and correct it as a future, you can learn to appreciate failure and consider it as a guide and an ally. 0:22
Moreover, it will enable you to adopt the behavior that best suit any situation. Knowing what you have to do doesn't always mean that you will succeed in doing it. Let's take an example. Imagine that you want to learn how to become rich. Your plan is to read "Think and Grow Rich", and this is a good book on the subject. However, not everybody will get the most out of it. The usual representation of a book is a script that you must read completely and in the right order. But if you see this one as ideas which represent mechanisms, and that hide behind words troughout the text, you will probably find much more in it. 2:44
Finally, it is a fine tool to improve your relationships with people around you.
In social interactions, most of us try to be perceived as great. We only see things from our perspective, showing what we are capable of, and when comes the time for arguments, our only concern is to protect our opinion and prove that we are right. However, if you crave for better relationships and understand how much better ones would improve your personnal life and facilitate your quests, changing your point of view will greatly help you. Get into their shoes and see through their eyes. When you see things from other people's perspective, you can easily find a common ground. And this will turn almost anybody into an ally. 6:21
Thank you to all the creators who made the pictures used in this video including:
Baby underwater: Image by firstview_digital_signage from Pixabay
Boy frowning: Image by Виктория Бородинова from Pixabay
The economy: Image par mohamed Hassan de Pixabay
Music: The Redemption- Musique libre de droits de
Licence: CC BY (